Wednesday, April 17, 2013


This week was so full... I can't even begin to write about everything that happened. So many special times:
Deepening old friendships and making new ones...

Talking and praying with other girls in rendezvous...

Beginning and ending each day with worship...

Staying up late working/playing games/talking with awesome people (and being in the car for hours with most of them)...

Getting an average of 4 hours of sleep each night :D...

The bill skit...

(Apparently I have a reputation at TeenPact for my Ninja skills... >:D)

Prayer walks each morning...

English Country dancing in the parking lot of the hotel...

Playing Devil's Advocate and arguing against a bill that would give more freedom to parents and reduce government interference in parent-child relationships...
Both a pro and a con speaker were required before a bill could be voted upon, and we had not had a con speaker, so arguing against the bill actually helped speed along the process of its being passed... interesting! 

TeenPact Legislature (note the campaign posters in front of the table :D)...

Interviewing "random, everyday citizens" about their opinions on protests, the Tea Party movement, and religion in politics...

Listening to speakers...

Walking through Wal Mart at 10 p.m. looking for posterboard and blueberries and videotaping four friends all wearing moustaches. :D
(Video here:

Watching a few of those friends getting a little crazy by the end of the evening (okay, so we were all more than a little crazy at that point)...

Making posters...

Committee meetings...

Writing a bill to fix the problem of a too-tall podium for too-short people, and presenting it on Day 2...
Seriously, the podium is nearly as tall as I am... (Okay, so maybe that doesn't take much. ;))

The amazing staff team...

The 12 Senatorial Candidates

The Elected Officials: 3 Senators and the Governor

The Political Communications Workshop:
Cross-Fire Debate - arguing the opposite of what I believed...

A resolution to make "Smeagol Speak" the official accent of Illinois (That was priceless... email me if you want to see the video! ;))

Coming soon: Group photo post! :D

Photo Credits:
2: A random person who happened to be walking past and kindly agreed to take the picture.
3, 8, 11, 16, and 17: Austin 
5, 6, 15, and 21: Katie Lynn
18 and 20: Kaylee
1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, and 19: Camryn or myself

(Thank you so much, photographers!)

As a side note, I was able to capture most of the senatorial and gubernatorial candidate questions, the elected officials' speeches, and the bill skit on video. If you would like to see them, please contact me!


  1. "Smeagol Speak" as the official IL accent?! Oh dear... was my brother part of that?! Wouldn't be surprised. X) And I have to agree with your "short-people podium" bill, too. =D

    Lord willing I'll be joining you TeenPacters next year!


    1. Klipsie,

      Nope... that was "Leaping Lizard." XD Awesome; more support! ;D

      Splendid!! :D :D You will love it. ;)

  2. I heard the election was a close shave...


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