Sunday, July 14, 2013

Drama (and other miscellaneous... stuff...)

The Drama Club performance is in just two weeks!  We're getting down to the wire... this is when leaders are slightly tempted to panic if lines aren't memorized, or if one possible performance location after another falls through, or if there is a huge list of props and costumes to be made... but God is gracious, and it's all coming together!  He provided great blessings (namely Sarah, Kalei, and Shelby) who stayed late after Drama (as in, really late... Kalei and Shelby didn't leave until almost midnight!) to work on props and scenery.  Thanks to them, we got a LOT accomplished!  
We were all rather covered in paint by the end of the night...

Working on one of the backdrops

...Yeah, we kinda made a mess... but believe it or not, this is the least messy of the rooms we worked in. :P The kitchen floor was so covered in paint when we finished that I was scrubbing it until almost 2 a.m. and then for another hour or so the next morning. Note to self: next time, listen to Shelby's most excellent suggestion to put newspaper or another sheet under the one we're painting... ;) 

Sarah, Kalei, and Shelby: thank you SO MUCH for all of your hard work! You guys made it not only immensely productive, but immensely fun as well! :D 

Cecily and I are involved in a writing co-op throughout the month of July. We get to ride there with the Trinkleins... it's always a highly amusing car ride! ;)  There are about 15 other kids involved in the co-op, and it is a blast! Aside from the opportunity of uninterrupted writing time in the basement, there's a "chatting zone" upstairs where we can give and receive feedback, critiques, ideas, etc. There is much discussion of names, character personalities, and random plot ideas- I think everyone will be quite sorry when July is over. Ms. Angie has done a fabulous job of setting this up- thank you, Ms. Angie! :) 

Young Leif is starting to really move around... he can sit by himself, crawl fairly well, and is just starting to find his balance standing up... 


  1. 2:00? Now I feel terrible- we should have talked daddy into letting us stay and help. Hmmmm, perhaps it would have been best to put a sheet under our sheet, but don't forget that it was I who caused most of the damage by bringing the 3D paint for flowers. It seemed to be the worst in regards to cleanliness. =D And I am still waiting to read Vyra's tale. Hurry up! =P

    1. Nooo, not at all!! You guys got a TON of work done that I otherwise would have had to do on my own. ;) And I was being slow. :P
      But the 3D paint was needed and much appreciated. ;)

  2. I had so much fun with you guys! Leif is growing up way too fast!

    Cecily, don't forget le blu doog poont... I probably spelled that terribly. :P :P

    1. Likewise! :D He is... :O

      *shakes head and laughs*

  3. Sister, wasn't there a "fnch" for french in there too? Lol!

  4. Aw, thank you so much, Sylvia. But I have to admit, I think I have more fun with the group than all of you. Such a wonderful group of young ladies (and men!) to spend time with every week. So glad your family is a part of it!
    Miss Angie

    1. Thank you so much for leading it! :) I have to agree with you on the stupendousness of the other folks involved, though. ;D

  5. Mike looks incredibly evil in that picture... then again, that's not uncommon when we're in the same room together... :D


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