Friday, September 13, 2013

A Typical Day for the Peterson Family (video)

Our family performed this skit for the SCCCHE meeting last night:

Everything in this video is true! The following things happened as we were writing it:
-The call about Grandpa shooting squirrels after having eye surgery
-The call from Papa about inviting people over to lunch on Sunday (people whom we didn't know previously)
-Leif tried to escape upstairs

A couple days after we wrote this skit, we forgot that we were supposed to bring snacks for FLL, so the team went without snacks (and somehow survived, thankfully...).

Although Knut doesn't order electrical fence wire and have it shipped to our house, he does buy it to work on his chain mail armor and brings his chain mail making supplies EVERYWHERE he goes!

The argument about 10:00 or midnight for English Country dance practice is an ongoing discussion/debate... ;)

The sword fighting happens quite regularly... during school.

And... trust me; everything else is completely true as well!

EDIT: Jael brought the one incongruency with real life to my attention: we've never had the problem of the CLEP testing center being closed on a Monday. It was closed over the summer, but we were able to go to the other testing center nearby, so it wasn't a problem. ;)
EDIT #2: ...Then I found out that the usual CLEP testing center really IS closed on Mondays, and Monday is when I was hoping to text next.

Thanks to John for being our impromptu videographer.


  1. That was awesome! I wish I hadn't missed it in real life!

    1. If you want to see it "in real life," come to our house around 10:00 in the morning... ;D


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