Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Bible Time

Josh here-

A few weeks ago we attended a mini-conference held in St. Louis by the Maxwell family ( http://www.titus2.com/ ). They had some excellent advice for fathers, mothers, kids and families, and their whole family participated in leading, selling books, answering questions, etc. It's a very beautiful family.
What I most got out of it is some great ideas for family Bible Time. We normally did this in the evenings right before bed. I'd read from the Bible, we'd discuss what was read (or rather, I'd give a little mini-sermon and they'd listen) and then we would pray. The Maxwells made some great suggestions which I immediately put into practice - we would take turns reading our passage for the evening, and they would read from their own Bibles, many of which are different translations. (ESV and NIV being prominent). We would then sing a few hymns together (in harmony) and the kids would holler out their favorite hymns, of which they already know a great number!

Following that is confession time, where we confess any sins we may have committed against one another in the course of the day. A final prayer ends it, and then the kids are free for the rest of the evening. All the kids greatly like this new format, with everyone reading, the addition of the singing, and most importantly, holding it right after dinner instead of right before bed. I'd have to agree. It makes it better for all of us.

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