Friday, November 30, 2012


Note: If you don't know what NaNoWriMo is, click here:

I know I've been posting a lot in the past few days, and I also know that non-writers probably won't find this interesting... but I have to post anyway to get it out of my system. Otherwise...  otherwise I must might start bouncing around the house, screaming and scaring the poor little baby. And we couldn't have that. ;)

I originally hoped to do a 25,000 word goal, but then I realized that my story didn't have that much in it, so I switched to 20k goal. That's pretty short for a novel... novella or novelette would be more accurate.

The first 2/3 of the month was crazy with other stuff like Drama, choir concerts, Lyceum, etc... I wrote about 1,500 words, then was too busy to do any more. On the twentieth, I realized that I'd been writing in third person when I meant to write in first, and that I had some pretty major plot issues. So I did some tweaking to my outline and restarted. Yeah... I restarted. With ten days to go.

My poor family is AMAZING... they have put up with so much from me the past few days. Touchiness and mood swings after I'd been writing an emotional scene... forgetfulness... being 'zoned out' so I didn't even hear them when they tried to talk to me... incessant talking about characters and their misbehavior... exceedingly random questions... Thor lent me a toy gun so that I could swing around on Mom's old crutches, trying to figure out whether it was possible to do so while holding a gun ready... and absent-mindedness. A few examples of this, posted at the insistence of *cough* a certain friend (whose name may or may not begin with a "J" and end with an "l", with the letters "a" and "e" in between) are as follows:
(I'm in the kitchen fixing dinner; Mom is in the great room.)
Mom: Um... Sylvia? Do you need me to come in there and give you step-by-step instructions?
Me: O_o Um... I opened the package, took out the meat, put it in the skillet...
Mom: Then why did I hear the stove turn on?
Me: *facepalm* I don't know.
Mom: You mean you didn't turn it on?
Me: No. I mean I don't know why I turned it on. I brought up the electric skillet like you said. But then I put the meat in the frying pan. I'm not quite sure why. I think I need to get my mind out of my novel. 
I forgot to turn on the stove when I was heating up the frozen corn. 
I also put the salt in the fridge. 
 My poor mother was shocked to find me still up some time after 1 a.m. three nights ago when she was up with the baby. Last night I warned her in advance that I would be up late, but she was still surprised when she heard me going upstairs at 6 in the morning, though she was relieved when I told her I'd fallen asleep downstairs a couple hours before.

My brain is dead.


And I am SO doing NaNo again next year. :D Maybe I can make it to 30k... or maybe even switch from the young writers' program to the "real" program with a goal of 50k. *gasp* We'll see what the next year brings. ;)


  1. Hooray for you! I considered Nanowrimo, but didn't think I would be able to do it along with school (why in the world did they have to pick November of all months?! Why not July?!). But that is so cool that you did it (even if your brain did die)! It was worth it though, right? ;)

    You'll have to post your story somewhere; I'd LOVE to read it! Mystery/suspense, eh? Already sounds amazing...


    1. I know... November is just about the craziest month... but yes, it was definitely worth it! :D I think there are programs like NaNo for other months, however... you should try one of them! :)

      It's horrible, trust me. ;) And it needs MAJOR editing. XD

      Thanks Klipsie! :)

  2. Yay! :-D That is very exciting! I'm so happy for you! Maybe next year I can join you... ;-)



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