Monday, March 05, 2012

You know you have too much schoolwork when...

-You come home from the library to find that your grandma is in the hospital for a surgery that everyone else has known about for a long time.

-You are completely out of the loop and have no idea what is going on with the rest of your family.

-Your youngest siblings hardly ever get a chance to play with you. :(

-You envy (well... almost...) public high school students who get out at 2:30 while you work until 7-8 (or later) most of the time.

-You decide to forgo lunch and spend your entire lunchtime at Lyceum playing Ninja since it's just about the only strenuous exercise you have time for in the week.

-You don't know that your six-year-old sister was brought home by a police officer while you were at the library.
(It sounds much worse than it is... she was just walking to the neighbors' and a very kind police officer wanted to confirm that she had permission, which she did. :) All the same, it was rather surprising to hear...)


  1. Poor thing.... Please don't forgo lunch to play ninja... It's not worth that.... well, maybe it is. But you need to eat!! I'll be praying for you. :)

  2. Yes, it is worth it. :D But I'm planning to eat during offstage time at Drama this week. ;)
    Thanks! :) You're so awesome. :)

  3. Good idea.... I'm glad you're going to eat... :)

  4. (If I have enough offstage time.) ;)

  5. Sylvia Peterson, don't you ever mention skipping meals when I'm around! ;) We don't want to replay what happened after drama club performance. ;)

    1. Cruel, heartless girl! How could you!? D: ...The handcuffs were rather amusing, though... XD


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