Sunday, August 11, 2013

Florida Vacation, Day 4 (TeenPact Congress)

Wednesday was a half day at the Capitol; we went back to camp for lunch and remained at camp for the rest of the day.

Loading the buses

Anna and Camryn reading the morning newspaper: one of the duties of the team of reporters was to write and print a newspaper each day. It included articles on specific bills that were coming up in the House and/or Senate, a "thought of the day," an "um count" for the Speaker of the House and President of Senate, happenings of the previous day, etc. The reporters did a great job!

In the bus on the way to the Capitol 

The entire House of Representatives, plus random Senators in the back seats, gathered for morning worship

Sarah, a girl that Camryn and I met at the Illinois state class

Camryn and Ally

Camryn's and my ideas for the photo caption contest... lots of inside jokes from TeenPact state classes and earlier in the week of Congress. ;) 

The lobbyists hosted an "Advocacy Hour" after the legislative sessions that morning. It was a time for senators and representatives to talk to the lobbyists, clarify points of confusion about specific bills, and discuss the good and bad points of the pieces of legislation.
One of the invitations that were on each desk that morning

The lunch room set up for Advocacy Hour

Many of the lobbyists had made posters either before coming or during the week, and these were posted all over the room. 

Staffers serving punch


One of the posters...

Skylar really worked hard and did a LOT of preparation! She had posters, business cards, and was very well researched in everything she was lobbying. 

Skylar talking to a legislator

Representative Cockroft speaking at Advocacy Hour

By the time we got on the buses to head back to camp for lunch, it had started raining.  The staffers had planned an outdoor activity, and since there was lightning along with the rain, their plans were somewhat messed up.  However, they, being the stupendous people that they were, quickly came up with a backup plan: a giant game of "Do You Love Your Neighbor" in the dining hall!  Later in the afternoon, the lightning stopped, so we were able to go outside and play as the staffers had originally intended.

It was a relay race: we were split into eight teams and had to run, 2-3 people at a time, across the Ultimate Frisbee field, position ourselves to make one letter/number to spell out "TeenPact Congress 2013," and run back.  Camryn's and my team was either first or second; we're not sure which.  Anyway, the top four teams then had to choose one member to compete for them in the next competition... however, we weren't told what exactly that competition was until we had chosen.  When the four team representatives were picked, their challenge was announced: the classic "dig through the whipped cream in the pie pan to find as many gummy worms as possible and move them to the plate using only your mouth."  The results, along with a photo, appeared in the next day's paper:

After that utterly exciting and entertaining competition, we were released for free time before dinner.
Cara swinging on the monkey bars

Ultimate Frisbee



Cara, Camryn, Jacquelin, and Lillie Ann

That evening, we had a surprise... the TeenPact President, McBryde Campbell, (elected at National Convention earlier this year) had driven out just to be present at the final day of TeenPact Congress!

After the evening session, we were honored to observe a flag retirement ceremony.  The staffers had prepared a worn American flag, a campfire, and everything else that was needed.  It was really amazing to be a part of, and very thought-provoking...

The rest of the family's day

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