Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Rosemary: What's a bibbidy bobbidy boo?
Cecily: I don't know.
Rosemary: Is it a kind of bibbidy bobbidy boo?
Cecily: No, it's a kind of bibbidy bobbidy BEE. It's like a bibbidy bobbidy boo, but it's really a bibbidy bobbidy boo.
Rosemary: Grandpa says it's a bibbidy bobbidy boo.

Rosemary: I got married 1 minute ago and then the bad guys took my husband away to jail.

Thor: Then they saw a dot in the distance...
Cecily: It's a flaming chicken!

Cecily: Rosemary, how about you eat your food in silence.
Rosemary: But I don't HAVE socks on!

Thor: Don't talk with your mouth open! Don't eat with your mouth full!

Mom: We're going to have more food for the trip than we can fit in the car!
Sylvia: Then we can stick the extra stuff in the freezer. I haven't cooked in almost a month!
Knut: Uh-oh...
Sylvia: What??
Knut: You've forgotten how.
Sylvia: I have NOT! Just taste a doughnut.
Knut: Mwahaha! It worked! *grabs a doughnut and runs away*
Sylvia: ...I think that was a compliment!

Cecily: The Great Sylvia made a mistake? :O

Cecily: I like to simultaneously burst into song and dance.
Sylvia: ...Okay...
Cecily: Wait, what does simultaneously mean? Just making sure...
Sylvia: Not what you're using it for.
Cecily: Wait, WHY did I say that!? That was dumb; I meant spontaneously...

Cecily: I was going to laugh at something, but then I forgot what it was...

In Florida...
John: So if the house was flipped over...
Camryn: We would fall to our deaths on the ceiling. 
Sloan: I feel like a banana.
Cecily: Well, I feel like a European Marshmallow. 


Mom: So... beginning on day 1 of school, I'm messing up my lovely schedule because of that field trip tomorrow.

Sylvia: It's the second day of school and I'm already two weeks behind- figure that out for me!

Sylvia: I hope you're not running with a knife in your hand.
Knut: Well... yes I was. But it was a very blunt knife, only good for cutting bread. Except in case of emergencies.

Mom: See these little verbals? They're very cute, aren't they?

Grandma: So did anybody learn anything today?
Knut: I did! I learned that an electric chair takes 1,500 volts of electricity.
(A long time and lots of discussion later...)
Knut: The things we talk about over the  dinner table...
Grandpa: Who started this discussion, anyway?
Grandma: I did; I asked if anyone learned anything today.

Knut: I went into FLL to play with Legos and came out a lawyer!

Mom: Je ne parle pas. I don't speak. *stares at Cecily and Thor* Je ne parle rien. I say nothing. Je ne parle jamais. I never speak.

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