Saturday, September 10, 2011

It's only a week late! :P

Um, there was a hog roast for the Zion congregation last Saturday. And I got a bunch of pictures, mainly of Indians.

I'll let the pictures (and captions) tell the story. ;)

Once upon a time, in a place (not so) far away... it was a very, extremely, intensely, immensely hot day.

A few children who were out in the heat at a hog roast, gobbling up the desserts and gulping down tons of water, decided to dress up as Indians. (Maybe their plan was to scare everyone into handing over the rest of the brownies.) Luckily they had a few daggers along, as well as their beaded belts, which they are never without. And with a few sticks for spears; maybe some improvised bows and arrows, their costumes were complete...

Or maybe not.

They still lacked one thing...

War paint!!

Are they really using...


I guess it's just homeschooler "creativity".

The Clayton boys quickly decided to apply war paint as well.

I'm sure the rest of the congregation was thinking, Oh, these homeschoolers. They're so weird. Well, actually, they just laughed. But maybe, deep down inside, they were thinking something like that. Maybe.

In the meantime, a few sweet, innocent, calm, adorable little children were having a nice ride in the golf cart.

When they returned, they were greeted by war whoops and wild yells, which everyone else tactfully ignored.

They though the war paint was a GREAT idea! So they applied some.

"Why didn't we think of this before?"

Bjorn decided he wanted to look older... so he grew a beard. It didn't quite have its desired effect. He couldn't imagine why everyone kept laughing at him.

"I'm not sure it's such a great idea to eat with your face caked in dirt, Knut."
"Oooh, is that a slug bug behind him???" :D

Knut has got to be the only person in the history of the world to check his dirt war paint in the sideview mirror of a limosine.

And there was a beautiful sunset, and the dirt-caked children got to see it very well as they WALKED HOME, being WAY too dirty to ride in the limo. (Not really). :D

The End.

And in case you were wondering (I KNOW there will be "certain people" who will ask me "Did you put on war paint too???"), I did NOT. I'm so boring.

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