Thursday, September 29, 2011

FINALLY, an update!

I last posted on the 21st, so...

Thurs, Sept 22: City museum trip with the homeschool group!!!  And I didn't get a single picture. :(  It was tremendously fun, though! ;)

Fri, Sept 23: Lyceum

Sat, Sept 24: Housecleaning

Sun, Sept 25: Church, and a bonfire in our backyard with some friends. Prepare yourselves for a funny story...
Papa called Family #1 to invite them to a bonfire in our backyard, but they weren't home, so he left a message. After waiting a couple hours, we (various kids) pressured him into inviting some other people so we wouldn't be having a bonfire all alone! So, he called Family #2, but they weren't home, so he called Family #3, but they weren't home, so he called Family #4, but they... were home, and so he invited them over. Just as Papa was hanging up his cell phone from talking with Family #4, the home phone rang. It was Family #2, calling back, so he told them the details, and they said they could come. He hung up, and a minute later, the phone rang again. It was Family #3, calling back. He told them the details, and they said that they could come. A few minutes later, the phone rang again. It was Family #1. Papa gave them the details, and they said they would call back in a few minutes. A few minutes later, they did, and said they... couldn't come. :( 
Mon, Sept 26: School, violin lessons for Sylvia and Gloria

Tues, Sept 27: Very full day...
     8:30      School (all kids aged 6 and up)
     2:00      First Lego League (Knut and Grandpa)
     3:30      Work for Mrs. F (Sylvia and Cecily)
     6:15      Bright Lights (Sylvia and Cecily)
     6:30      SCCCHE leadership meeting (Papa and Mom)

Wed, Sept 28: School, Choir rehearsal at Zion for Papa, Mom, and Sylvia

Tonight various kids are sleeping out in the backyard in tents. We're going camping with the Travis Peterson family in a couple weeks, and they need to make sure the tents are fully functional. ;) I think that Cecily, Gloria, Bjorn, Knut, and Thor are sleeping out, but I'm not quite sure; they kept changing their minds. :) I know Cecily and Gloria are since they're not in the girls' "dormitory", and Bjorn wouldn't have missed sleeping out in the backyard the very first time he's allowed to for anything, but I'm not sure about Knut and Thor.


  1. What time do you go to sleep?!?!?!

  2. *looks guilty* *eyes dart around looking for way of escape*
    Um, well... it depends... I hadn't posted for a week... I needed to get it updated *mutters other excuses*

  3. Nice excuse. But I don't buy it. (Ms. Pruddhome look)

  4. You WOULD have to mention Miss Prudhomme and make me so depressed that I can't think of a reply. :P

  5. OOOOOPS, SORRY!!! :D I just love the Ms. Prudhomme look, but I do miss Casey.... oh it's too sad to talk about!! :(

  6. Yes, I know. :( You do the Miss Prudhomme look very "effectively", though. :D Casey would be proud.

  7. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


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