Friday, October 29, 2010


Josh here,

As I write this I'm listing to an archived radio show of jazz music from a Portland college. It was broadcasted several weeks ago, but I've been wanting to listen to it for some time, and finally got around to it.
I'm not a huge fan of jazz, and particularly of the kind of jazz that's usually done on this station. I'd rather listen to it than rock or pop, but I prefer classical music above all else.
So why am I listening to music I'm not particularly fond of? One reason only - my younger brother Noah is the DJ. He's a jazz musician out there, and does a two-hour show every Monday. I can't get that station, of course, so I have to download the archives onto my MP3 player. For the first couple years I listened to him religiously, but have been rather busy lately to take the time.
Funny thing about this, is that when there's a song I don't like, I fast forward it until I get to hear him speak again. I never miss a word he says in all the shows I've listened to. Why is that? He's my brother, of course! I don't get to see him very often (maybe every 2-3 years), and although we play chess on Facebook regularly (I nearly always win), and we call each other every couple weeks, I never get enough of him.
It all boils down to the close bond of love we have, and we want to continue that relationship, for we both enjoy each other greatly. There's something special that God puts into families that creates a bond like no other bond between two people.
As I raise my kids, I see one of the most important things is to keep the relationship strong and proper. To my younger kids, I'm Papa who spanks when they disobey and is lots of fun otherwise. To my older kids, I'm Papa who listens to their problems and appeals, and gives them encouragement in their trials. I used to be very afraid of the teen years, fearing that I might drive them away, but I see now that as long as I keep our relationships strong and proper, I need not fear any rebellion. (There's much more to parenting, of course, but I'm choosing a theme here).
In the same way, God calls us into his family and creates with us a strong bond, and calls us to go into the world and bring others into the family as well. Sometimes family breaks your heart, but all in all, the joy of a great family relationship is definately worth the risk.
Is there someone in your family you're estranged from? Do what you can to reconcile the relationship. Of course, it only takes one to break a relationship, and two to fix it, but make sure that in whatever relationships you have, you do your part to keep them sound and whole.

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